
Expert Witness Requirements

The requirements to be an expert witness can be broken down into two categories – the legal requirements for being an expert witness and perhaps more importantly, the practical requirements for being an expert witness. Legal Requirements for providing Expert Witness Services The legal requirements for being an expert [...]


How to Obtain Independent Medical Examination Referrals

Perhaps the easiest way to get started doing Independent Medical Examinations is to list yourself with one or more IME Brokers or companies or referral services.  These firms provide Independent Medical Examinations for employers, insurers, claims managers, third party administrators, employers and attorneys.  The IME industry is greatly fragmented and [...]


How an Expert Witness Should Refer to a Document at Deposition

How an Expert Witness Should Refer to a Document at Deposition Expert witnesses should refer to documents marked as exhibits by using their exhibit numbers. For example, exhibit 1, 4 or exhibit C. Describe the document in question, after using its exhibit number. This will help ensure that [...]


Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Medicine Conference | SEAK, Inc. Our annual SEAK National Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Medicine conference, held each July, on Cape Cod, designed for health care professionals, attorneys, employers, exhibitors, who come to learn, network, get CEU's, and leave with cost saving solutions. The SEAK National Workers' Compensation and Occupational Medicine Conference is designed to [...]

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