Our annual SEAK National Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Medicine conference, held each July, on Cape Cod, designed for health care professionals, attorneys, employers, exhibitors, who come to learn, network, get CEU’s, and leave with cost saving solutions.

The SEAK National Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Medicine Conference is designed to provide our attendees cost saving solutions.  Each year we have 400 to 600 participants from across the nation coming to cape cod in July.  Our approach is multi-disciplinary:  Employers, physicians, nurses, case managers, attorneys, other Compensation and Occupational Medicine professionals have the opportunity to work from each other.

What has really set us apart for the past 30 years is the quality of our speakers.  We use rigorous, time intensive, unprecedented selection process to identify only those speakers who are knowledgeable, articulate, and free of conflicts of interest.

Our program begins with the choice of optional small group preconferences, that is followed by the 3 day main conference learning Tuesday through Thursday.  Each morning of the main conference features general sessions to the entire group.  Our attendees can then customize their experience with the choice of smaller group breakout sessions in the afternoon.

SEAK conferences are designed to optimize networking opportunities.  Our exhibits are placed very close to the meeting rooms and we have frequent breaks, networking breakfasts and lunches are provided as well as networking socials each night of the conference.  Networking with the exhibitors is also encouraged with numerous prize giveaways.  Our attendees like the fact that they can learn, network, and earn numerous CEUs all at the time.

Attendees come with problems and leave with cost saving solutions.  That’s why so many of our attendees and exhibitors come back again and again each year. We very much hope you can join us at the next SEAK Workers Compensation Conference.