
Expert Witnesses Need to Actively Listen to Questions That are Asked An effective expert witness is one who is able to truthfully answer counsel's questions in as artful as manner as possible. Precise and carefully considered use of language is required. It is also important that you actively listen to the question you are asked. An expert who concentrates [...]


Expert Witness Comments Made off the Record at Deposition Excerpt from the SEAK DVD, The Expert Witness Deposition Can something you say “off the record” be used against an expert witness at deposition? Absolutely. There's no such thing as a “off the record privilege”. “Off the record” merely means that your comments and not being recorded by [...]


Forming Expert Opinions

By: Steven Babitsky Excerpt from: How to Become a Dangerous Expert Dangerous experts form and present a bulletproof expert opinion.  To do this, the authors recommend the following. Avoid cases and counsel that place the expert on a restrictive budget or whose deadlines will not allow the expert to do [...]


How to Write a Bulletproof Expert Witness Report

We are proud to announce our all new, limited attendance, interactive expert witness report writing training: How to Write a Bulletproof Expert Witness Report, November 8-9, 2012, Naples, FL. We are very excited about this new report writing program for expert witnesses.  Attendees will be invited to submit in advance [...]


The 10 Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make in Writing Their IME Reports

The 10 Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make in Writing Their IME Reports By Steven Babitsky, Esq. The Independent Medical Evaluation (IME) reports that physicians prepare are playing an increasingly important role in workers' compensation cases, personal injury litigation, and long-term disability claims.  Each year physicians prepare hundreds of thousands of [...]


Expert Witness Database – SEAK

The SEAK Expert Witness Database contains 1,250+ expert witnesses listed in over 7,000+ categories. SEAK’s Expert Witness Directory contains: • Over 1,250 expert witnesses, indexed by over 7,000 categories and key words • Searchable free online at • Attorneys contact experts directly, with no middleman Detailed information on expert [...]


What Not to Include in an Expert Report

What Not to Include in an Expert Report Excerpt from the SEAK Text: Writing and Defending Your Expert Report  Post by: Alex Babitsky The only language that should appear in expert reports is language that objectively states or objectively supports an expert’s findings and conclusions. All other information is superfluous [...]

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