Workers Compensation

Workplace Shoulder Injuries

Occupational Shoulder Injuries and Pain Excerpted from the SEAK DVD Set: Advanced Orthopedics for Workers' Compensation & Occupational Health Professionals Alan S. Curtis, MD discusses the differential diagnosis of the most common shoulder injuries in the workplace. He explains the symptoms, work-up and treatment of impingement of the shoulder and the indications of surgery [...]


Occupational Knee Injuries

Occupational Meniscus Tear Injuries Excerpted from the SEAK DVD Set: Advanced Orthopedics for Workers’ Compensation & Occupational Health Professionals Paul Weitzel, MD reviews the common occupational knee injuries and focused diagnoses. He presents a video overview of common knee procedures, new technologies in knee treatment and the common pitfalls in treatment and recovery. Dr. [...]


Occupational Low Back Pain

Occupational Low Back Pain Excerpted from the SEAK DVD Set: Advanced Orthopedics for Workers' Compensation & Occupational Health Professionals Lumbar Spine Injuries in the Worker Eric Phillip Carkner, MD discusses, presents and explains appropriate initial evaluation and management, and the appropriate use of non-operative treatment including injections and physical therapy. When is surgery necessary? [...]


Occupational Finger Tip Injuries

Occupational Finger Tip Injuries Excerpted from the SEAK DVD Set: Advanced Orthopedics for Workers' Compensation & Occupational Health Professionals Occupational Hand & Arm Conditions: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis Andrew Jawa, MD discusses common workplace related injuries and diagnoses of the hand, wrist and elbow. The anatomy, clinical examination and pathogenesis of [...]


The Defense and Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

The Defense and Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury Cases By: Susan Conley, Esq Arthur Chapman Kettering Smetak and Pikala In the context of traumatic brain injury cases (TBI), attention has been drawn to these injuries, in part, due to head injuries to athletes. We are seeing cases where athletes sustain [...]


The Aging Worker: Proactive Cost-Effective Ergonomics

The Aging Worker: Proactive Cost-Effective Ergonomics By: Ronald Porter, PT, CEAS III In 2013 US businesses must address the impact of an aging workforce, increased benefits expenses and a tepid economic climate.  Proactive ergonomics is a simple cost-effective solution to reduce or control risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders for ALL [...]


Motivating Employees to Embrace Optimal Health

Motivating Employees to Embrace Optimal Health Nicholas Hall Ph.D. People respond not to reality, but to belief-induced mental images of reality. This is key to understanding why some individuals fail to embrace health-promoting behaviors. Health-destructive beliefs are not justified, they serve no useful purpose, and they most likely are also [...]


Avoiding and Defending ADA Claims

Avoiding and Defending ADA Claims The number of successful ADA claims is increasing rapidly. In 2011, over 25,000 ADA charges were filed and over $100 million were recovered by charging parties. This is up from $54 million recovered in 2007. Some of the most common charges are for the following [...]


Causation in Workers’ Compensation Cases

Causation in Workers’ Compensation Cases By: Steven Babitsky, Esq. All too frequently causation (i.e. whether the job caused, aggravated or precipitated and is the major contributing cause of an injury) is overlooked by employers and their insurers and self-insurers. The reasons are that looking into this issue properly takes some [...]


Investigating Workers’ Compensation Claims

Investigating Workers’ Compensation Claims By: Steven Babitsky, Esq. Early thorough investigation of workers' compensation claims can make the difference between paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars and effectively denying and defending the claim. All too often the claim is "accepted" at face value with little investigation. Here, the insurer [...]

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