Testimonial #298
“Faculty very competent and good teachers”
“Faculty very competent and good teachers”
“Extremely well run, informative, and entertaining”
“Absolutely superb”
“Excellent ~ one of the best courses I have been to in 20 years”
“Take no prisoners: I loved it.”
“Enjoyed most the immediate feedback of Steve and Jim critiquing ‘testimony.”
“Outstanding - exceeded my expectations”
“Excellent - beyond my expectations”
“I absolutely loved it and wish I had found SEAK 20 years ago”
“My Depo on the case was yesterday and was 7 hours. Counsel said I did fine, good job!...the preparation paid off…The case settled on the courthouse steps, big win for my client… Since [your prep] I have received about 10 new assignments…too much to handle, almost. Thank you again!”