Testimonial #317
“I’ve received numerous calls and cases as a result of my listing with you.”
“I’ve received numerous calls and cases as a result of my listing with you.”
“This has been a very profitable listing”
“The SEAK directory has probably generated 10 cases for me this past year. I appreciate the referrals from the SEAK directory- a very professional tool to inform potential clients of your qualifications and interests.”
“The referral that came from SEAK opened up a new geographic region for me and generated a lot of work.”
“Last year I got about 20 cases through your SEAK Directory.”
“I have gained at least four new business clients from the directory. Two of which are using my services frequently! I wish I would have listed with SEAK years ago when I was developing my consulting business. Thank you!”
“I registered with your Directory last year as an experiment, and it turned out to be a very useful investment. I'll be recommending it to friends and colleagues. Many thanks.”
"Last year, I signed up for your directory and was impressed by the immediate responses I received."